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The Pulse of the Marketplace: Introducing the Industry Beat Column


You may have noticed more frequent content being posted here on PULSE as of late. It’s not just a surge in information; it’s a mission in action. We’re committed to delivering daily content that covers every nook and cranny of the dynamic and ever-evolving plant-based marketplace.

We started in 2019 as a single annual trade show in New York City. From there, Plant Based World Expo Europe launched in 2021 in London. But it is not enough to simply connect 2 weeks out of the year… and that’s why we have built Plant Based World Pulse!

As part of our commitment to release relevant, digestible content on a daily basis, we’re unveiling the Industry Beat column—a dedicated space curated by yours truly that takes you beyond the usual industry updates and strategic discussions. It’s your direct line to the pulse of our community, a rhythm that mirrors the passion and ingenuity driving our movement.

This column is about the stories that go beyond profit margins and market trends. It’s about the entrepreneurs crafting the narrative with their groundbreaking products, the innovators solving real-world challenges, and the collaborations that shape the trajectory of our shared journey.

The beating heart of our community is found in the narratives of individuals who dare to innovate in the plant-based space. It’s the resilience of those who faced adversity and emerged stronger, and the creators of products that redefine our relationship with food.

So, here’s an open invitation to our community across all the diverse and integral roles you play: share your stories, your hurdles, your victories. Whether you’re an entrepreneur with a groundbreaking product, a visionary building key partnerships, or someone with a journey that encapsulates the spirit of the plant-based movement, we want to hear from you. The Industry Beat is where the business side of plant-based meets the heart and soul of purpose and community.

If you have a story that deserves to be heard, shoot me an email and let’s talk! Connect with me at [email protected].

Ben Davis
Benjamin Davis oversees the programming for the world’s first and only fully plant-based trade expo and accompanying news site. Ben’s mission is to make delicious, natural foods accessible to everyone. He believes that diet and lifestyle are the keys to a balanced and prosperous future for all beings on Earth. Outside of his work in food, Ben is a music producer and performer under the stage name Vibe Street. Ben is determined to spend his life building community and celebrating this mysterious human experience to the fullest!