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Industry Beat: Celebrating 5 Editions of Plant Based World Expo North America

As Content Chair of Plant Based World Expo since its inception, I’ve had a front-row seat to the evolution of both the trade show and the industry/community we serve. 

Over the years, I’ve built connections with an array of industry players, from passionate vegan activists to corporate investors, buyers, chefs and more all united by a common goal: transforming the food system. The journey from our startup event to an annual industry staple on two continents has been the adventure of a lifetime. As we prepare for our 5th annual trade show in New York City, we believe the best is yet to come!

Plant Based World Expo 20192019: What a special year! The launch of Plant Based World Expo was for everyone. We offered 3 types of passes for business, healthcare and consumers. The conference program featured speakers from every corner of the plant-based movement. In May of 2019, just weeks before the show opened its doors, we witnessed the launch of the Impossible Whopper at Burger King and the success of the Beyond Meat IPO on Wall Street. 

These events only added fuel to the momentum of the industry and made for a boisterous gathering. I remember watching attendees jaw dropped as they saw Dr. T. Colin Campbell (author of “The China Study”) prepare to take the stage and speak. The 2019 event played a major role in bringing the concept of plant-based eating and living to a mainstream audience. 

Plant Based World Expo 20212021: 2021 was the comeback year from a long and unwelcome break from public gatherings. We made the shift to a fully B2B event, focusing all our programming on serving the audience of retail and foodservice buyers seeking to tap into the innovation in the marketplace. Plant-based burgers and nuggets were the center of attention this year, as the meat-alternative space was ripe with investment and product development.

2021 was special because despite much of the public still avoiding gatherings, we nearly had to be shut down by the fire marshal due to extreme density in the aisles! What a testament that was to the enthusiasm of the plant-based marketplace and its stakeholders. There was nothing that could stop our momentum! 

In 2021 we also added Plant Based World Expo Europe to the lineup, which launched successfully in London just months before our return to New York City for the U.S. show (now dubbed Plant Based World Expo North America). 

Plant Based World Expo 20222022: 2022, our 3rd event in New York, showcased continued growth in the marketplace. New products were entering the market from all angles. My highlight from 2022 was the focus on diversity.

I will never forget the tremendous cheers that echoed from the conference room where we hosted a panel celebrating the diverse voices of the plant-based movement. It was an amplification of what makes this business special, honoring the humans and stories that bring the industry to life. 

Plant Based World Expo 20232023: 2023 brought a continuation of innovation along with our first signs of financial headwinds as an industry. Slowing investment capital and consolidation of products brought with it new challenges to be discussed and addressed in keynotes and conference sessions. 

I was moved by the candor of our speakers, particularly Mihn Tsai, Founder and CEO of Hodo Foods, who expressed his gratitude on the keynote stage for the opportunity to speak openly about both the opportunities and the challenges his company was facing. Authenticity has always been one of the exceptional factors of the humans that make up the plant-based movement, and this was a shining example. 

The standout feature of the show was the “Hosted Buyer” area, where exhibiting companies had the opportunity to sit down one-on-one with key buyers in retail, foodservice and distribution to share their product lines and advance business.

2023 was the year the industry seemed to reach its maturity as “plant-based” had become a household name for buyers and consumers alike. We also added Plant Based World Pulse to the portfolio, offering industry news and insights online, 365 days a year!

2024: What will be the highlights of our 5th annual show in 2024? You will have to attend to find out! 5 shows later we have made a full transition to a 100% business to business event, focused entirely on serving the buyers of plant-based products in retail and foodservice with the best one-stop-shop to taste and connect with the true, leading innovators of the market. 

Our new partnership with leading data provider, SPINS, has expanded our Hosted Buyer program, bringing in top tier buyers across a variety of channels in retail, foodservice in distribution. Bellwether exhibitor presence from the likes of Impossible Foods, Before the Butcher, Gardein, Oatly, and many more will stand out as show features, along with the keynotes and educational sessions bringing together a lineup of experts to address key trends and strategies for success.

Have you registered for the 2024 show yet?
We will see you in New York City for the 5th annual Plant Based World Expo North America!

Ben Davis
Benjamin Davis oversees the programming for the world’s first and only fully plant-based trade expo and accompanying news site. Ben’s mission is to make delicious, natural foods accessible to everyone. He believes that diet and lifestyle are the keys to a balanced and prosperous future for all beings on Earth. Outside of his work in food, Ben is a music producer and performer under the stage name Vibe Street. Ben is determined to spend his life building community and celebrating this mysterious human experience to the fullest!